Post doctoral research associate position in molecular and supramolecular chemistry applied to strategic metal recycling from end-of-life lithium-ion batteries

Lyon, France CDD (30 mois)

Le recrutement est fermé pour cette offre

À propos de Mecaware

MECAWARE, développe et industrialise un procédé innovant d’extraction sélective des métaux critiques contenus dans les déchets technologiques, notamment dans les déchets de batteries de véhicules électriques.

Notre procédé éco-compatible et économique est issu d’un savoir-faire et des brevets issus de l’ICBMS (Institut de Chimie et Biochimie Moléculaire et Supramoléculaires) de l’Université de Lyon.

The Institute of Molecular and Supramolecular Chemistry and Biochemistry (ICBMS) of the University Lyon 1 (UCBL) in collaboration with MeCaWaRe SAS, a spin off company of ICBMS, and the Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS, Amiens) is seeking to fill an opening position for a post-doctoral scholar in chemical separations of critical and strategic metals, within the framework of the collaborative project SEPAR 8, funded Europe (Fair Transition Grant, operated by the Region des Hauts de France) starting September 2024.


The successful candidate will join a diverse team of experts in molecular organic chemistry, electrochemistry, material science and chemical engineering from the academic and private sector to address challenging, fundamental questions about chemical separations applied to critical and strategic metals, the answers to which will enable the development of an innovative recycling process of lithium-ion batteries. The candidate will also have the opportunity to work with the advanced instrumentation available at various research and technology platforms ( and other facilities across campus. Permanent recruitment by the private coordinator of the project is a realistic outcome at the end of the contract.

Le poste

Elucidate, analyze and optimize CO2-metal-amine based organometallic assemblies enabling the tailored and adaptive recycling of the molecular ingredients of end-of-life lithium ion batteries.

Main activities

  • Conduct optimization studies (thermodynamics and kinetics) on coordination and precipitation of metal cations involved in end-of-life NMC-type batteries using CO2 capture products from flue gas by amines (carbamates et carbonates);

  • Apply this eco-efficient and additive-free strategy to the recycling of non-metallic components (electrolytes, salts, plastics, insulating material)

  • Characterize and study the physical properties of the end products collected. This extension builds on the core of solid results obtained during the past months by the partners which brought the proof of feasibility on production scraps.

  • Perform real-time monitoring of the full separative sequence based on optimized operation units.

  • Participate to the scale up on semi-industrial units (toward commercial production)

How to apply

The position is available for 30 months from the hiring date (autumn 2024) and can be renewed once. Depending on the progress, permanent recruitment by MeCaWaRe SAS can be envisaged.

To be processed, applications must contain:

1) motivation letter (one page maximum) summarizing career path, professional project and motivation for the position,

2) a full CV

3) two recommendation letters from former supervisors (or contact persons).

Applications will be processed continuously as they are received until the position is filled. The position will be hosted on the University Campuses (La DOUA, Villeurbanne, Site Monod, Gerland), at the Applied Supramolecular Chemistry group.

Questions concerning the position and applications should be sent to Prof. Julien Leclaire at:


1.     J. Leclaire, G Canard, F Fotiadu, G Poisson Method for Detecting Capturing and/or releasing Chemical Elements, PCT Int. Appl. 2014, WO 2014188115 A1 20141127. US Patent 20,160,097,755                                                                             

2.     G. Poisson, G. Germain, J. Septavaux, J. Leclaire. Straightforward and selective metal capture through CO2-induced self-assembling, Green Chem. 2016, 18, 6436 - 6444

3.     J. Leclaire, G. Poisson, R. Philippe, J. Septavaux, L. Vanoye Process of capture and/or detection of chemical element and installation related to the process.  C. de Bellefon, WO patent 2017, PCT EP 2017060166.

4.     J. Leclaire, T-X. Metro, J. Septavaux, Selective Metal Extraction by Mechanically assisted leaching, WO patent 2018, PCT EP 2018 074789

5.     J. Septavaux, C. Tosi, P. Jame, C. Nervi, R. Gobetto & J.Leclaire, Simultaneous CO2 capture and metal purification from waste streams using triple-level dynamic combinatorial chemistry. Nature Chem. 2020, 12, 202–212.

6.     M. Ducreux, , J. Leclaire. Process for selectively capturing metallic elements from polymetallic mixtures. WO patent 2023 PCT/EP2023/065675

7.     M. Ducreux, A. Forot, D. Romito, K.-J. Tan, J. Leclaire, T. A. Hatton, Electrochemical method for the selective recovery of Metal Elements from solutions, Eur Patent 2024, EP 24305764.3.

8.     J. Leclaire, D. J. Heldebrant, K. Grubel, et al. Tetrameric self-assembling of water-lean solvents enables carbamate anhydride-based CO2 capture chemistry. Nature Chem. 2024.

Profil recherché

Required background and training.

Ph D in molecular chemistry and organic synthesis, A core curriculum in molecular and organic chemistry is requested, complemented by solid notions in physical chemistry and supramolecular chemistry.

Experience and Expertise

  • Design and conduct reliable procedures involving innovative setups such mecanochemistry and electrochemistry.

  • Base expertise in physical and chemical analysis techniques providing access to kinetic and thermodynamic data of chemical processes occurring within mono- and multiphasic systems.

  • Expertise with characterization techniques routinely used in molecular chemistry (UV-VIS, NMR, FT-IR & potentiometric titration)

  • Practical experiences in the fields of hydrometallurgy, sustainable chemistry will be appreciated.


  • Strong knowledge in organic chemistry, solid state inorganic chemistry, thermodynamics and kinetics, solution chemistry and ideally, base knowledge in electrochemistry and supramolecular chemistry

  • Critical processing of experimental data, notions in design of experiments.

  • Quality control and characterization of soluble metal complexes and insoluble salts

  • Design and optimization of experiments aiming at purifying species by phase separation techniques from complex mixtures in solution.

  • Base level with modelling tools such as MATLAB and/or Python.

Human skills

  • Practical mind, Solution oriented

  • Method, Rigor, methodical spirit

  • Curiosity, open mind

  • Perseverance

  • Team Spirit

  • Communication


Détails sur le poste
Lyon, France
CDD (30 mois)
Propulsé parTaleez